Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Survival Kits

Survival tins also know as survival kits.

Survival tin contents is really a personal thing as some people like to have items others would never even think of having.
Also survival tin contents is not a fixed must have list. For example if you were in the desert and as there is no water then a fishing kit might not be the best thing to have in it. I hope you have the basic idea.

Any how here is what I carry in my tins.
Yes I said tins, I bet your thinking why does he have 2 survival tins an not 1.
Well the answer is easy if you think about it, you have a secondary survival kit which never leaves your person and the primary is stuffed into your gear that you carry. So if you are separated from your gear you still have a fighting chance using your secondary tin of surviving.
Anyway here is a list with explanations of what some of the items do.

Water purification tablets
Mini compass
Flint and steel
Wire saw
Signal instructions ( morse code / ground to air signals )
Small sharpening stone
Pencil and paper ( making notes / leaving messages / tinder )
Sewing kit
Fishing kit
Cotton balls
Safety pins
Non lubricant condoms ( water storage / carrier )

Please feel free to join this blog and add more to the list to help each other out.

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